05.15丨RDFIS Principal's Letter 深圳瑞得福國際學(xué)校校長信
來源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-12
Dear Parents, Students, and Employees,
The first week back to school went well!
Students were glad to see their teachers and friends again.
The teachers who are working from other countries did a fine job, teaching online using Zoom to instruct students. On-campus teachers helped proctor the classes. The classes went very well, overall. Thank you to teachers and proctors for working together to make the learning a success!
RDF hosted inspections with various government groups this week. We passed all inspections successfully. The government leaders were impressed by our preparations to keep students safe. They were appreciative of our physical distancing procedures and structures. .Many thanks to all school employees and administrators for your part in making these visits a success.
Good luck to all of our AP students. Many of them rose early in the morning before 2 AM this week to take college level tests that result in college credit. There are more AP tests next week. Study well. Take care. Eat healthfully. Sleep well. We are confident you will do great work! Thanks to the AP teachers and administrative staff at our school for preparing students for the tests!
Final exams are coming the week of June 8. We encourage students and parents to review PowerSchool and communicate with teachers to submit missing and late work for feedback. The sooner the work is made up, the sooner the students will receive feedback that will help them do well in the exams and in life.
Our teachers and employees love to help students develop self-discipline and fortitude. It is a joy to tutor students who seek to do what we ask them to do. We also find joy when we extend mercy to the students who sincerely seek help. Don’t hesitate to ask for help! We are here to help!
Student government elections are coming up.
Please enjoy a few highlights from the week in the accompanying video.
Sincerely yours,
--Leland Anderson, Principal
RDF International School
瑞得福國際學(xué)校 校長