











深圳楓葉學校|戰(zhàn)“疫”下的云上英語教與學Ⅴ Online English Learning at C

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-14

課前,為了讓學生更好地投入網課學習中,英文課前演講活動再次重啟,學生們按小組比賽的形式,全員參加,每場比賽都會打分,同學們的演講稿做成了精美的PPT, 在班上展現(xiàn)自我風采。

初中Middle School


Aren’t you impressed by the primary school’s online English classes? Then, what about middle school? Today, let's go to Miss Yannis and Miss Catherine’s middle school English network class.

課前,為了讓學生更好地投入網課學習中,英文課前演講活動再次重啟,學生們按小組比賽的形式,全員參加,每場比賽都會打分,同學們的演講稿做成了精美的PPT, 在班上展現(xiàn)自我風采。

English speeches were restarted before class for each student to warm up. This time the speeches were run through group competition, which motivated students to spend more time preparing their speeches well. Some gave beautiful PPT presentations so as to get a higher score for the group.

課堂上,同學們開始學習各種文章體裁和修辭手法。學習了英文詩歌的押韻和修辭,感受到了英文詩歌的美。學習了比喻的修辭,知道了怎么讓事物生動形象具體可感,以此引發(fā)讀者聯(lián)想和想象,給人以鮮明深刻的印象。老師鼓勵學生通過制作海報的方式整理學習筆記和練習體裁及修辭手法的使用 。請看下面這一張張富有感染力的作品,訴說這對疫情期間,果斷逆行的醫(yī)護人員無比感激之情。

In the class, different genres and figurative devices were introduced. The students studied both the rhyming and the figure of speech in the poems and felt the beauty of English poetry. They understood that metaphors can make the words come to life and the subject more relatable to the readers. Miss Yannis and Miss Catherine encouraged students to organize their notes and practice what they learned by making posters. Here are their marvelous works, which show their gratitude to the doctors and nurses.


Students did a great job on their homework. Here’s a good example of how this talented student rewrote the story she learned. The article is well organized and the expression is clear and concise.


Here is a letter written by a G9 girl. She vividly described those fearless medical staff at difficult times. We all want to give them a big hug and say,"Thank you and we are proud of you!"

Dear medical staff,

I am a junior three student, and I am honored and happy to write this letter to express my awe and gratitude to you.

Recently, our country is facing a great challenge, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia. The outbreak is rather serious, everyone is trying to get away from it, but you are the ones who rushed to the front line, race against time to fight against the virus, to save the country and its people.

I often see your pictures on TV. To prevent yourself from being infected, you need to wear protective clothing, goggles, and masks all the time, and your whole body is tightly wrapped. When you take off your masks and gloves, there are deep marks on your face, sweat dripping from your hair, and marks on your hands are the evidence of a hard-day work. A medical staff once said that she never regretted becoming a doctor for the health and happiness of the whole nation. I felt very touched and deeply moved by your hard work and selflessness. I think you are very great; the whole country is very proud of you. Please take care of yourselves and I believe we can win this battle because of your great work and effort.




We look forward to seeing every MLIA-SZer back on campus in good health!



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