











歡迎來到深圳貝賽思國際學校Here comes AP exam season!

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-14


01.DAP's Letter


Dear Students and Parents:


This is Mr. Mark Wilkerson. First, I would like to inform you of some position changes. During the past month, I have been honored to begin serving as the new Director of Academic Programs here at BIPH. Regardless of titles, the entirety of the BIPH leadership team will continue to work together on all student and academic issues and to continuously offer a quality education.

我是Mark Wilkerson。借此,向大家說明我很榮幸晉升為華潤小徑灣貝賽思國際學校的學術(shù)項目主任 (DAP)。小徑灣校區(qū)的領(lǐng)導團隊會繼續(xù)團結(jié)協(xié)作,為不斷提升教育品質(zhì)而努力!

For the past several months, I have seen dedicated and committed work and efforts from our teachers and students, and I thank you, parents, for all of the guidance and help you have provided for your kids over these last several challenging months!


As you may know, AP exam season is coming. As a result of the challenges presented by COVID-19 worldwide, College Board recently announced major changes to its AP exams. Compared to years past, this year’s exams will be shorter; will cover less material; and will only feature Free Response Questions instead of Multiple Choice questions. However, since these changes have been announced, our teachers have adjusted their curriculum and are working tirelessly with their students every class to ensure that students stay aware of what they will need to do to be prepared and have success on their AP exams.


Exams are scheduled to take place from May 11 to May 22, with make-up dates in June. Over the coming days and weeks, I will provide many updates to all of you as we find out more about particular details of the exams. For specific questions regarding the exam,


Thank you again for all of your support of our school community!


02.We are champions!


The United States Academic Decathlon team competed in the China event on Saturday, April 11 and brought honor to the BIPH Sea Dragons with a first place finish, the Rookies of the Year Award andHolistic Education Rising Star School! There were near 200 outstanding schools, almost 2500 students and more than 300 teamsparticipating in this competition. The theme this year was “In Sickness and Health,” and each student had to study ten subjects: Social Science, Art, Music, Economics, Science, Math, Literature, Essay, Speech, and Interview. The team consists of 10th grade students Kenny Cho and Alan Niu, and 9th grade students Aaron Zhang, Katherine Niu, Edward Huang, Kiki Yuen, David Lai, Crystal Liang, and Peter Jiang.

4月11日,我校美國十項學術(shù)全能競賽(USAD)團隊參加了中國賽區(qū)的比賽,并從約200所頂尖初高中的近2500名選手組成的300多支隊伍中拔得頭籌,榮獲團體第一名、年度新秀獎及通識教育新秀學校的好成績!今年比賽的主題是“疾病與健康”,每位參賽學生必須學習社會科學、藝術(shù)、音樂、經(jīng)濟、科學、數(shù)學、文學、隨筆、演講和面試十個科目。我校美國十項全能競賽團隊成員有G10: Kenny Cho, Alan Niu; G9: Aaron Zhang, Katherine Niu, Edward Huang, Kiki Yuen, David Lai, Crystal Liang, Peter Jiang。獲獎情況如下:










In addition to, again, winning First Place in their division, the students also won the Coaching Team of the Year Award, and 2nd place in the Super Quiz. Coach Cynthia Wakkuri was honored to receive the Coaching Excellence Award, and is incredibly proud of how hard all of the students worked for these successes. Way to go Sea Dragons!

除了獲得團隊第一名外,我校參賽團隊還囊括了年度最佳教練團隊獎及超級測驗中的第二名。領(lǐng)隊Cynthia Wakkuri老師榮獲最佳教練獎,她因所有學生為取得這些成就付出的辛勤努力感到無比自豪。披荊斬棘的海龍學者們,為你們點贊!

03.AP Review


AP Calculus

AP 微積分

Madalina Ailincai

Since most of our students are enrolled in multiple AP courses, creating a study schedule is very important. When creating a study schedule, allow 40-45 minutes study sessions for each subject with 10-15 minutes of break between sessions.


In AP Calculus AB, students should find time to organize their binder and put the notes in order so they can be easily accessible during review sessions. Also, retrieve and charge your TI-Nspire graphing calculator, you may need it during the exam.

學習AP微積分AB課程的同學應該抽出時間整理活頁文件夾和筆記,以便在復習期間能便捷地找到所需的學習材料。另外, 一定要檢查TI-Nspire繪圖計算器并為其充電,在考試過程中可能會用到它。

In class, we have been working on Type FRQs. These are free response questions from previous exams organized by concepts. I strongly encourage each student to print these ”Type FRQs Problems” and review them.


Since the AP exam is timed, you want to make sure you train yourself to complete each question in the allocated time. Allow no more than 15 minutes for each of the free response question.


But the most important piece of advice for students is to ask questions. The more questions you ask, the better prepared you will be for the AP Exams.


AP Economics

AP 經(jīng)濟學

Elizabeth Lotus

-Focus on FRQ practice and review.


-Go above and beyond on Albert.io. You have every question on the platform for your Econ courses open to you to practice. Don't wait for your teachers to assign you homework; work ahead and practice those topics you feel weak on!


AP Human Geography


Judy Sharpe

Focus on reading & interpreting visuals (maps, pie charts, graphs, tables, images etc);


Practice analyzing data (e.g. do you see a pattern, growth/decline of a phenomena?);


Read all handouts, textbook chapters (Units 1-5 only); view PowerPoints & videos on Schoology;


Pretend to be the examiner and predict FRQ questions as you go through content.


AP English Language

AP 英語語言

Cynthia Wakkuri

First, take a deep breath. We have been preparing all year!

Second, stay very focused for the next few weeks, and be diligent about the assignments. Remember, how much you will learn is equal to how much effort you give.

Third, practice writing essays in 40 minutes, Just time yourself and go for it.

Fourth, use your resources: your 5 Steps book, the YouTube videos, and anything else you can find.

And then take another deep breath! You got this!






AP Physics


Piyush Karia

Make a review sheet for each unit.

Practice questions from AP classroom and ask for feedback from teachers and friends

Practice focused/uninterrupted study(reading or writing) sessions 45-50 min each.

Practice having these focused study sessions at different times of day and night.

Make a daily journal of activity.






04.Live from the Classroom


Dr. Richard Vigilante

This week in Algebra two we worked on graphing parabolas. Students learned that a quadratic equation can be converted from standard form to vertex form by completing the square. Once students calculated the vertex from of a quadratic, the vertex was identified and the parabola easily graphed. In addition, students were able to easily determine if a parabola opened upward or opened downward by analyzing the lead term. Utilizing the Zoom platform, students were able to share their screen with classmates or draw directly on my shared notes using the annotate feature. This has been one of my favorite lessons because it connected so many different mathematical concepts and vocabulary.

本周在代數(shù)2課堂上,Dr. V帶著孩子們學習了拋物線的繪制。通過學習,學生學習了如何將二元一次標準方程轉(zhuǎn)換為頂點方程。學生只需計算出二次方程的頂點,就能找到該頂點位置并輕松繪制拋物線圖。此外,通過分析前置項,同學們一眼就能斷定拋物線開口是朝上還是朝下。在Zoom教學平臺上,同學們可以共享屏幕或利用注釋功能直接在老師共享的筆記上繪圖。這個單元是Dr. V最喜歡的內(nèi)容之一,因為它涵蓋了許多不同的數(shù)學概念和詞匯。

Meghan Hibbard

Last week in Geography class students explored different extreme weather conditions that happen around the world. The students then chose which extreme weather they were most interested in and completed research to find out more about it. Once their research was complete, they were given the final task of creating a "Weather Report Video". 上周的地理課上,學生們探索了世界各地發(fā)生的各種極端天氣情況。他們要選擇最感興趣的極端天氣,深入調(diào)查,收集更多相關(guān)信息。在完成調(diào)研后,他們還接受了老師給出的終極任務——“報道天氣預報”。

05.Sea Dragons’ ELL experts


Our ELL teachers’ goal is to make sure the academic material and concepts are accessible to our students. They work closely with the subject teacher, so that we can ensure that all the students have the opportunity to learn and succeed. Often they co-teach the class, approaching the material in ways that address the diverse learning needs of our students. Do you want to know how our ELL teachers support distance learning, how ELL teachers collaborate with Subject Expert Teachers, what English and/or academic support services our AP students can expect from the ELL Department and how students improve their English fluency when they are at home? please watch the video below.


06.Arts can take you everywhere


BIPH artists do not stop creating arts. Recently with the guidance of Mr. James Lowe and Ms. Sheilah Grace, our students have learnt Forced Perspective, Elements of Arts, Principles of Design. Like what Albert Einstein said “Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” We hereby showcase different students’ art works, and hope more Sea Dragons start to explore the fantastic art world.

BIPH的小藝術(shù)家們從未停止過藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作。在藝術(shù)老師James Lowe 及Sheilah Grace的帶領(lǐng)下,孩子們最近學習了強行透視法、藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作元素、藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作原理。正如愛因斯坦所說“創(chuàng)造力有蔓延性,讓我們盡情擴散它吧?!?借此校刊,我們?yōu)榇蠹艺故疚倚P∷囆g(shù)家們的作品,希望更多的海龍能加入探索神秘藝術(shù)世界的隊伍中。



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