教師分享(6)BMH柏朗思觀瀾湖學(xué)校故事系列 New BMH Series
來(lái)源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-14
1.What does DL look like for me?
First of all, our class starts the new day from the morning greetings, at the beginning it is the teachers who are leading, but gradually it is the students who are leading the whole process. When I was watching the confident, enthusiastic and very fluent morning greetings, I felt very happy and proud as a teacher. Afterwards, we start to give out the learning tasks, which are carefully prepared by my year group teachers, then there is Q&A time and the homework collecting, I am there for the students / parents if they have any questions or need any help. One thing I am looking forward to see is the feedback from the students. I am eager to watch the students’ photos and videos, in which I can see the enthusiasm and the huge effort they put towards the tasks. To date, the most impressive one is from International Week when we explored Mexico, the students made burritos and learnt the Mexican hat dance, we could really feel the joy of learning!
The online social connection between the teachers and the students has been very important. During the outbreak, everyone is isolated at home and the video time is good way to see and communicate with each other. I still can remember the first time we had the group video call, all of us were so happy to see each other and cannot help to cheer and laugh with joy!
2.What keeps you positive and motivated?
Firstly, I think it is the sense of responsibility. As teachers, even if it is an online learning project, we still want to provide our students with more resources ,more options and varied ways of learning as much as possible. It's a motivator.
Secondly, it is the kindness and willingness to help each other between our colleagues. Every time in our K2 year group meeting, we will first check in how is everybody doing and see if anybody needs any help. We will share with each other the learning resources, video editing apps, good shooting skills and so on, and also share the efficient ways the school senior leadership react towards this pandemic, their encouragement and readiness to help us all feel safe and secure.
Lastly, it is the company of the family. During the outbreak, I spent the time with my family and I learnt some important life skills. For example, I learnt how to make kongfu tea and a traditional chaoshan snack: hongtaoguo. I also share with my family the work from my students and let them know more about what my job entails.
3.What has this virus taught you?
Firstly, first time in my life I learned how to wear a mask properly! ( Lol , I think most people do, too)
Secondly, I learned how to shoot video in a nicer way, how to edit a video to be more attractive and so on, all these very practical skills. Imagine some day I could be a popular online host!
Lastly, I realised how important it is to be physically fit and I made a promise to myself that I should make time to exercise no matter how busy I am. Even if it was just 15 minutes of yoga or calisthenics a day, all that matters is to form and keep up the good habit of exercising so that I can enjoy the benefits of regular exercise.