教師分享(5) | BMH深圳柏朗思觀瀾湖學(xué)校故事系列 New BMH Series
來(lái)源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-15
New BMH Series
1.What does DL look like for me?
The days are busy! I wake up early, walk my dogs, have breakfast and get ready for my groups calls with the children. We usually do two or three calls on Monday and Friday. This time is my favourite part of the day because I get to see my lovely K2A kids and interact with them. They are all so happy and chatty in the call and makes me miss them even more, looking forward to finally being reunited in school soon!
During these calls we play some games so they can interact with each other, practise their English and have fun! We love showing where we are and our important things to each other and it has been wonderful to get to experience my students from this angle in their homes and in their space.
After the calls, it’s time to prepare videos and resources for the coming days. We usually have our team meeting to reflect about the previous week and plan for the weeks ahead, reviewing families' engagement and parents’ feedback to see what we can improve in the coming weeks to meet our BMH families' needs and expectations. During this time we also check in with each other as we also haven’t had the chance to meet in person. It’s a nice time to show care and share how everyone is dealing with what’s happening in a space of love and support.
After everything is done, I have lunch, take my dogs for another walk and enjoy some “me” time with my pets.
2.What keeps you positive and motivated?
During this time I chose to stay active and take the chance to continue learning some subjects of interest. So I have been very busy studying and expanding my knowledge in different areas, such as Mindfulness, EFT and emotional management. It has been wonderful to have the time to dedicate for some personal growth and see how I can apply this in my daily life and my profession.
I also try to keep myself physically active, going for regular walks with my dogs and doing some exercise now and then. When the weather is nice, I often have a long walk to the MH Mall to get a coffee or some groceries and have some fresh air. I feel so fortunate to live in Mission Hills surrounded by such beautiful nature.
I also took the chance to reconnect with lots of friends in different parts of the world. I think we are very fortunate to have access to internet and different platforms that allow us to face call people all over the world. My family and friends are also dealing with some difficulties during this challenging time so it is good to be able to support them and be there for them even though we are miles away from each other.
And I spent a lot of time with my dear pets cuddling and playing. I don’t think I would have been able to stay positive and happy without them by my side. As well as my colleagues. It was really nice to see them when possible and gather together.
3.What has this virus taught you?
The biggest lesson is to be grateful and appreciate everything I have, even the things I had taken for granted in the past. I think we live our lives forgetting EVERYTHING that we DO HAVE and focusing a lot on what we don’t have. Being in a situation in which even going outside was not an option for a while, made me feel very fortunate for having health, family, a job, a home, friends, safety, everything!
Also this time taught me the importance of having others and being there for others. Usually when we struggle, we tend to feel very lonely and alone in our misery. But actually, a lot of people around us are also dealing with their own demons and struggles, and it’s easier to deal with challenges in unity than in separation. We have so many reasons to find differences between each other, but we have even more similarities and we all share one same heart. We are all in this together, and together we can overcome anything! Let this challenging times give us the opportunity to rise stronger and in unity!