03.21丨RDFIS Principal's Letter 瑞得福國際學(xué)校校長信
來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-15
Dear Parents, Students, and Employees,
A few years ago, there was a series of public service advertisements with the slogan “Family—Isn’t it about Time?” The purpose of the advertisements was to encourage parents to remember that it is very important to spend time together with your family. They encouraged parents to seek high quality and more frequent family time.
幾年前,曾有一系列公益服務(wù)廣告,它們的宣傳標語是“家庭——它不是關(guān)于時間嗎?” 很顯然,廣告的目的一方面是鼓勵父母記住為家庭生活付出時間非常重要,另一方面也鼓勵他們?nèi)で蟾哔|(zhì)量和更多頻次的陪伴家人的時間。
During these days of at-home education, many of us have some extra time to spend with our children. For many of us, these days are very fulfilling. Since you may have extra time together—and at the suggestion of our wonderful board executive, Mrs. Mona Zhang—I would like to offer a few suggestions for fun and memorable family times together.
* Think about what you can teach your children at home 考慮一下我們在家可以教給孩子的東西
Today, my eldest daughter cut my hair for the first time. Before that my wife has consistently been the person to cut my hair. I always cut my son’s hair,and when I was young, my father cut my hair. I have even cut Gina’s hair from time to time. Cutting hair has been a family tradition, not because it saves money or time (though it does), but because we love to talk together and help each other. So this morning, I teased my daughter that she would need to learn to cut hair before she could graduate. She laughed, knowing that I was partly serious! As she cut my hair (she did a great job), we talked about current events and about a scholarship
* Learn to cook together學(xué)習一起做飯
All family members can find joy in good food and cooking. Although it may be easier for some family members to enjoy or accept the role of cooking at home more than for others, it is wise for each family member to learn to prepare healthy food for themselves and their family. Consider asking your child to plan menus and recipes, write down what foods are needed for a meal, shop for the food, and prepare meals together. Children will learn important lessons in this way and strengthen family relationships in the process.
* Eat together 和家人一起吃飯
Many studies have shown that eating together as a family has many benefits. When family meals are prepared and shared at home, not only do families members eat healthier foods and enjoy better nutrition, but more importantly, the family members communicate thoughts and feelings that might not otherwise be shared. When children discuss at the meal table what they are learning at school, their performance can be improved. Moreover, children often avoid or overcome unsafe behaviors under the care and guidance of their parents fostered at meal time. A host of conversations occur that would never otherwise occur without a family ritual of eating together.
* Learn about home storage and organization 學(xué)習家庭應(yīng)急物品的儲存和管理
The COVID-19 pandemic is sobering to all of us, and it is also a good reminder of the many kinds of emergencies that could come to any part of the world—including natural disasters, plagues, or war. We hope for none of these, but life is such that many of us will face more than one of these during our lives. Storing a little extra food and water, saving money for an emergency or season of want, and maintaining basic supplies for health such as medicines and first aid supplies will help your family in unforeseen emergencies and will bring a sense of peace and calm to your home. I recommend these practices to everyone—of course to be implemented with wisdom and moderation, and not with an attitude of panic, anxiety, or hoarding.
* Learn to clean學(xué)會做清潔衛(wèi)生
At RDF International School, we teach that all of us feel better in a clean environment. Orderliness and cleanliness help our minds and bodies focus on beauty and truth. Disorder and uncleanliness make us uncomfortable, waste our time, and distract us from better relationships and learning. A routine of family cleaning time or a chore chart with rotational turns for family members can help us learn lessons in cleanliness that will save us stress, time, and money and will become an important foundation for learning and living together in peace and harmony.
在瑞得福國際學(xué)校,我們堅信一個道理,在干凈的環(huán)境中我們所有人都會感覺更好。條理和清潔有助于使我們的身心專注于真善美?;靵y和不整潔則會使我們不舒服,浪費我們的時間,并使我們無法專注于提升更好的人際關(guān)系和學(xué)習。例行的家庭清潔時間或家庭成員輪流做家務(wù)的分工排班表可以幫助我們學(xué)習清潔衛(wèi)生方面的課程,這將節(jié)省我們的壓力、時間和金錢,并將成為我們的家庭學(xué)習以及和諧相處的重要基礎(chǔ) 。
* Read and talk together一起閱讀和分享
In my family, we read books together and discuss what we are learning. We do this every day. This week, we have been reading and discussing a popular book that includes a delightful comparison of population migration to the ancient practice of pruning and grafting tree branches as a means to improve the quality of a tree’s fruit. This led to a very interesting discussion in my home about lessons we have learned as we have been “pruned from America” and “grafted into China” and about how fruit becomes ripe by being near riper fruit, and how people improve by being near other good people. We all decided that we want to be good people, the kind that helps others become the best they can be.
*Listen and talk傾聽和交流
Some of the most memorable times I have had with my children are when I listen to them speak about what interests them. A few nights ago, one of my sons came into my room in the evening, and we lay on the bed talking about computers and the concepts he is coming to understand about computer processors. To be honest, my son knows more about these things than I do. In these moments,I became the learner and my son became the teacher. It was delightful to learn, and to see his passion for what he was teaching me.
Finally, one of the most important lessons I have learned about parenting over nearly 19 years of raising our six children is that how you interact with your children is how you can expect them to interact with others and with their children, your grandchildren. Patience and kindness may be difficult to practice consistently at every moment, but if you want to be better, you will naturally begin to develop according to your desires. As a father, I want to be patient, fun, understanding, and kind at all times, and I am seeking with earnestness to develop those attributes. As I seek and strive personally to develop a loving heart and mind, I am becoming more consistently characterized by those attributes which I desire most. And when we make a mistake or are less than we should be, it is okay to apologize—for children need to see and learn that, too.
I am happy for all of you, and pleased to be your Principal. May you all have a delightful weekend, filled with joy!
Yours truly,
—Leland Anderson
Principal, RDF International School