











SDC|清瀾山學校第14周國旗下演講稿 疫后校園生活(一)

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-12



Good morning everyone!


I’m Rebecca from class one grade nine.The topic of my speech today is "Back to School: Campus Life in Tsinglan". After saying goodbye to online learning for three months, our 8th and 9th graders finally returned to our beautiful Tsinglan campus and was greeted with a familiar sense of warm comfort. During the last two weeks of study, we quickly settled into our old routines. Three words can summarize our feelings: happiness, fulfillment, and richness.


The flowers blossom and fall, and the clouds roll in and out. In the era of online learning, we experienced many things that we can all look back on with a smile. The warm sunshine touched the campus, and the refreshing summer wind brought laughter to of all students in a long time. We cannot wait to share our individual experience during this special long holiday. But most importantly, we hope to adapt to face-to-face teaching and learning as soon as possible. At the same time, we need to keep in mind that the crisis has not been fully solved.


It’s been a while since we have last seen our campus, and it has a whole new look! New playgrounds, new private learning capsules, new libraries and other changes have added an even more colorful touch to our vibrant campus. The clear, streamlined inspections undertaken by the security team at the school gate is to ensure and maintain the health and safety of school population!


For the foreseeable future, students will wear masks at all times during class, and keep at least one-meter social distance in the canteen. After finishing lunch, students need to replace their masks on time. Perhaps, you feel that all of this seems to alienate students and teachers. In reality, the mask only isolates the virus; we can still feel the love in our hearts. Please believe that when the crisis is officially over, all of this will become a shared precious memory.


Once again, we want to extend our warmest welcome to all 5th,6th, and 7th graders returning to our beautiful Tsinglan campus today. We hope you can adapt to your campus life as soon as possible. Remember, try, and all is possible!


Thank you!



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