











2019 梧桐山全英夏令營結營啦!

來源:好上學 ??時間:2024-03-22



  On July 21, 2019, the closing ceremony of the HuaMei Foreign Language school summer camp was one of the most awaited event. It hosted by two of the campers, Amy and Kitty who showed confidence and professionalism presenting the said program.

  It is fulfilling to watch how the campers exposed themselves to the language but also building their courage and confidence in speaking it. More importantly, it opened their horizon about the language, the English culture and the world, however; because the camp is not just learning about the English language, exciting and engaging outdoors activities were also prepared for the them.

  Then, appreciation speeches were shared by teacher Alison and camper Jack. They expressed how thankful they were to be a part of the camp.

  Jack displayed braveness in speaking English language in front of the crowd.

  Following the speech was one of the most awaited part of the program which is the talent show. The campers presented a short play about “the goats and the wolf”. They effectively acted upon their roles and clearly enunciated the phrases.

  They also shared their voices and their gracefulness through dance and songs. The campers sang a meaningful song “we are the world” and some of them presented a combination of modern and ballet dance with a song “when the light go out.”

  While the teachers sang the English version of a Chinese song titled “tomorrow will be better”. The effort put into their performances was greatly appreciated. They were creative, energetic, and heart-touching.

  Moreover, the kids did not only show their success in English language through drama, songs, and dance but they had the chance to speak out their appreciation to their parents in English. This experience has had them conquered their timidity and self-distrust.

  The program was successfully ended with the distribution of certificates.

  Every summer has a story. At HuaMei Authentic English Summer camp, it is not only the lesson learned, the song sang, the friends met, the experiences accomplished but the memories to cherish and the story to share.


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